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Brain Break: Butterfly Breathing

You will need:

    No tools are needed for this activity. You can sit on the floor, on a mat or in a chair. Just make sure you're in a quiet place.

The Activity:

Mindfulness teaches us to be present in the moment - not thinking of the past or future. In this activity, children will learn how to be present in the moment by learning to quiet their minds and body. We will practice taking deep breaths as we learn butterfly breathing. Once your child completes the activity, he/she can add a sticker or checkmark to their reward chart!


Although many fine motor goals are addressed with this craft, the main goals addressed are simple cutting skills while following sequenced directions.

Are you ready to learn?

What you need to do:

Step 1: Sit on the floor in criss cross position
Step 2: Keep both feet touching each other and open your knees to create butterfly wings.
Step 3: Flutter your wings quickly and then slowly like a butterfly.

Keep track of your amazing progress!

You are a Miss Mancy Little Learner!

It’s always so fun to keep track of how much we have accomplished! Make sure to print out the Little Learner’s Chart and check off each class you complete!


If you try any activity with your child, please take pictures and post on Instagram and TAG me! @MissMancyInc